Popular Ways to Connect
- Google Meet
- Google Duo
- What’s App
- NextDoor locals only site for Jemez Valley
- Mastodoon
- Discourse
- SnapChat
- Apple Facetime for iPhone, iPad, & iPod Touch
- Apple Group Facetime for iPhone, iPad, & iPod Touch
- Skype individual video conferencing
- NetflixParty group movie streaming
For Teams and Businesses
- Jitsi
- Jami
- Wire
- Slack
- Windstream OfficeSuite UC and HD Meeting services (free for 90 days)
- Zoom
(News reports indicate some security and privacy issues with Zoom, a company based in Beijing, China. So use with caution. Learn how to prevent Zoom-bombing here.)
Can’t Decide Which To Use?
Try this handy reference compiled by Freedom of the Press Foundation:
Brainfuse Virtual Classrooom

HelpNow: Brainfuse is more than help for students. There is also an Adult Learning Center. Studying for the GED? Want to learn more about Microsoft Office? Writing a resume? Visit the Adult Learning Center for help. #brainfuse, #HelpNow, #GEDtest, #computerliteracy, #adultlearners, #writearesume, #resumehelp, #whatlibrariesdo
JobNow: Job hunting? Sometimes the scariest part of creating a resume is just starting it. Visit Brainfuse to get started with free resume templates and resume builder. #brainfuse, #JobNow, #writeyourresume, #resumehelp, #resumetemplate, #resumebuilder, #whatlibrariesdo
LearnNow: Taking the high school equivalency test (GED) and need to practice? Visit Brainfuse for preparation guides, practice tests, lessons, and videos. #brainfuse, #learnnow, #highschoolequivalency, #HiSET, #GED, #TASC, #practicetests
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