FOL Yoga coming to an end

Friends of the Library yoga has had a good long run, starting (in 2006, or earlier?) with a sole volunteer weekly yoga instructor for many years until she moved to Santa Fe. Many locals have filled in teaching yoga at the library since that time. It began as a way to raise funds for the Friends of the Library, while providing access to yoga for the community. Eventually the change came about to honor the instructors’ time and effort with a small stipend of $25 per class. After several successful years with that model, we are now experiencing low participation of both students and instructors. But there are reasons that is a good sign….

Things have changed in our community and locals now have much appreciated access to more local health options with the creation of the Rose Center, as well as the invitation for locals to participate at the Jemez Pueblo Health Clinic! As a result, a variety of Yoga classes are now consistently available via the Rose Center. The Bodhi has always had some occasional yoga opportunities as well. And sometimes individuals offer local classes at the church or river-side. And so, the library is no longer a necessary provider of this service. We are seeing this as a good thing- a growth in services in the community!

The library has provided recent yoga instructors with some ideas and resources to keep teaching locally if desired. We plan to honor the recent instructors at an upcoming annual volunteer appreciation event. Thank you to the many instructors and participants over the years! The final class will be held Friday July 25, 6pm, in the conference room attached to the library.